Sunday, March 18, 2012

Daisy's make their own Juliette.

Daisy troop 32023 made their own Daisy Girl Scouts and mailed them to a family member or friend and asked them to help them "make the world a better place". We were very excited to see the amazing journeys our paper GS's took!

This is Gabriella L.'s Traveling GS story. She traveled to Santa Ana, CA. She discovered new art at the Orange County museum of Art and delicious new food at Sprinkles Cupcakes! To connect with family and community, the GS went to Disneyland (where her "host" works) to meet lots of new people and she made the world a better place by helping to separate the garbage at the recycle center.
Vicki Gilbertson troop 32023

Chelsea G. - Her GS traveled to Phoenix, AZ where she met new friends through her "host's" church group. She made the world a better place by helping to knit hats for premature babies at the local childrens' hospital.

Kira C. - her GS went to Avalon House for physically and mentally disabled adults in Oakley, CA. Here, she learned about the world of special need adults. She explored what life is like in an adult residential facility for the physically and mentally disabled adults. Seh participated in caregiving activities such as assisting with daily life skills such as feding and assisting with fun activities like drawing and arts & crafts. She made a healthy popcorn snack for Jude. Matthew loves to dance, traveling GS brightens his world by dancing with him (blue hat). She helped Jessie with arts and crafts.

This traveling GS opened the discussion of how people can be alike and different. We all like popcorn, arts and crafts and think it is fun to dance. We don't all look the same and some of us need help to tie our shoes, other people need help feeding themselves.

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